Welcome, and a warm first hello to the newcomers. Thank you all for joining!
This week, ten poems revolve around the Wheel of Fortune.
The Wheel calls us to consider our fragility, as well as how changeable our situation can be if we look for the soft places.
Background music: “The Joy of Being Alive” by The Lizzy Co Show. We’re dancing this one out.
Curiosity saved me,
I thought, “What could be?”
Thought that all was dark.
Eyes had not been taught the light.
I sought a mentor.
The page is turning,
Watch as the spine of the book
Bends wide, and then breaks.
The water ran dry.
Had to seek new ground to dig,
Had to go real deep.
Exhale, little girl.
Let your long-tensed shoulders drop,
Let your knees buckle.
Scrape, scrape, knife on stone.
Scrape, scrape. How will you atone?
Scrape, scrape. Can’t go home.
The way is so clear.
I am no longer stumbling
Through jungles of fear.
The die has been cast,
But it can be thrown again.
In fact, it will be.
Raised by an angry momager,
Taught that everything I do
Belonged to her too,
Heard I had to pay my dues,
To be a full human.
She hated to lose,
Chose to flip the board instead.
I wished I was dead,
In that little yellow house,
Tippy-toe on eggshells,
Quiet brown mouse.
Extremes, loud shouting,
Wooden spoons,
No belt,
Still bruised.
Why bother telling?
It’s done, over now.
I’m not telling you this shit
Just to bum you out,
But to show that not everyone is fine,
And if you find
That somebody’s giving you a hard time,
Set a boundary,
Nobody is owed your pain,
Sometimes you love someone
And never see them again.
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All my best,
So good. My favorites are Bend and Exhale!
"Atone" really got to me.