Welcome back, and a warm hello to the newcomers.
Anyone remember MySpace surveys? I spent hours as a teen trying to find myself through those things. Turns out, they show up pretty far back in history. I guess humans have always been curious about themselves.
The Proust Questionnaire started as a Victorian parlor game, and it’s used today as an interview structure. (You can explore its history in this article from the New Yorker.) I answered each question with a three-line poem and an eight-bar musical snippet.
This week is the first of three parts, each featuring eleven questions. If you feel like sharing your own answers in the comments, I’d love to read them!
1.) What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Resting peacefully,
In a quiet, darkened room,
As long as I want.
2.) What is your greatest fear?
Confined, trapped, held down.
At the mercy of someone
With no empathy.
3.) What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Hothead, popping off.
Feel the fear and throw a punch.
Anger hiding pain.
4.) What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Do you need to speak?
Are your words helping the world?
I need quiet, please.
5.) Which living person do you most admire?
My partner’s mother
Moves through the world with kindness.
She taught me self-care.
6.) What is your greatest extravagance?
Weekly therapy
With someone who knows her stuff.
Luxury, needed.
7.) What is your current state of mind?
Things feel too easy.
When will the other shoe drop?
When can I let go?
8.) What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Modesty is fine,
I guess, for other people.
I’m just too damn much.
9.) On what occasion do you lie?
Walking down the street,
I act like I’m not afraid.
I keep my face calm.
10.) What do you most dislike about your appearance?
I don’t recognize
My own face in the mirror.
I try not to look.
11.) Which living person do you most despise?
My first caregiver
Nursed me with fear and sorrow.
I’m no therapist.
As a thank you for reading to the end, here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming on my second album!
This is a demo of “Firebrand,” inspired by my struggle to socialize without ruffling feathers. Let me know what you think in the comments!
A beautiful response format. I love the answer to 5 especially.
Wow, these haikus are incredible. So smooth and natural and evocative. Love it!