This is beautiful and frightening – and somehow hopeful – thanks for your honesty and for sharing – all the best

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I'm here for you, just as you are for me.

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Oh, Lizzy...my heart is breaking. No one, especially children, should ever have to feel the way you did and experience those awful, damaging experiences. I am soo sorry. *hugs* But I am thankful that you're a better and stronger person for it. I'm thankful that you're still with us, happy and thriving. I think it was incredibly brave to share your story, and I thank you. It gives me courage to share mine.

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Thank you for your kindness and support, it means a lot!🫶

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Thanks for sharing this, Lizzy! <3

I'd never considered the power in reading parenting guidance books when dealing with this type of trauma. I might take a page from your book! :)

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Oh gosh, sorry to hear you relate, but I hope exploring some parenting books is helpful for you! Let me know if you want any recs.🫶

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This was a very insightful and enlightening post. Your journey struck a lot of chords with me. It's beautifully written.

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Wow, thanks so much! I appreciate your support, my friend.

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